Sonja (Dipl. Arch. ETH, M.Arch AA) received her Masters of Architecture and Urban Design from the ETH Zurich, Switzerland and from the Design Research Laboratory (DRL) of the Architectural Association London, UK. Her concluding PhD research focuses on Bangkok’s Urban Catalysts and their impact on rapidly changing inner-city-neighbourhoods.
She gained experience with Ken Yeang in Kuala Lumpur, William Lim in Singapore, Baumschlager Eberle in Bregenz, Zurich and Vaduz. Since 2003, Sonja is the founding-partner of Laksila Ltd. an architectural design practice based in Zurich, Switzerland. She is also a registered member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA).
At the Singapore University of Technology and Design’s Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKY-CIC), she researches on Future Urban Typologies for Enhancing Liveability in Singapore. She is also co-project-manager of ‘Reclaiming Backlanes’ – an urban up-grade and green-retrofit project at the Future Cities Laboratory of the Singapore-ETH Centre.