Making Sense: Intersecting Lines of Investigation in Design and Technology is a joint exhibition by the Advanced Architecture Laboratory (AAL) and Augmented Human Laboratory (AHL) of Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), showcasing five projects ranging from the former’s award-winning environmentally responsive design for the current Venice Architecture Biennale to the latter’s patented and widely published FingerReader. Making Sense further features recent collaborative large-scale interactive public projects of AAL and ASG such as for iLight Marina Bay 2014, LUX New Zealand 2014 and the upcoming SG50 celebration 2015.
The exhibition is complemented by a symposium on the topic of interfacing design and technology in contemporary architecture and engineering research and practice that takes place on 24 November 2014. Panelists include Theodore Chan, President of the Singapore Institute of Architects; Kris Wood, Head of Pillar of SUTD’s Engineering Product Development Pillar and Co-Director of the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre; Jeffrey Huang, Head of SUTD’s Architecture and Sustainable Design Pillar; Allan Kolata, Head of SUTD’s Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences as well as Thomas Schroepfer and Suranga Nanayakkara.
The Making Sense Symposium is hosted by the Singapore National Design Centre and supported by DesignSingapore as well as the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC). The exhibition will be on display 8 to 30 November 2014.